Justice Sustains

Maxwell's Story

Maxwell is an eight-year-old with autism who had outgrown his car seat. Legal aid helped Maxwell’s mom, Charity, win an insurance appeal to get the specialty car seat he needed to keep him safe and  follow his therapy plan. 

Read more about Maxwell and others who were helped by legal aid.

Justice is a Right,


Your Legal Aid Region

Annual Fund Progress



Success Stories

You & Legal Aid Helped Clara

After Clara's abuser sent her to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, legal aid helped keep her and her son safe and in their home.

You & Legal Aid Helped Emily

Emily's husband was violent and the violence was escalating. Legal aid helped guide Emily through the restraining order process.

You & Legal Aid Helped Steve

When "Steve's" landlord shut off the boiler, leaving all the tenants without heat for eight months, legal aid helped them assert their rights.

2023-24 SPONSORS

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