CEJ’s Annual Fund Drive raises over a million dollars each year for legal aid. Members of the legal community across Oregon contribute to help legal aid fulfill the promise of equal access to justice. The Fund Drive runs from September to March, but you can give anytime. Thank you for your help—every dollar counts for legal aid!
Annual Fund Drive Giving Levels
VISIONARY ($5030 and above) BENEFACTOR ($2030 - $5029) CHAMPION ($1030 - $2029) ADVOCATE ($530 - $1029) SUSTAINER ($330 - $529) SUPPORTER (UP TO $329)
All contributions are tax deductible. You will be acknowledged on receipt of your gift and listed in our Annual Report. Please let us know if you wish to donate anonymously.
Mail Us a Check or Credit Card Information
If you prefer not to donate online, you may print and fill out our donation form and mail it to us with a check or credit card number. Please make your check payable to The Campaign for Equal Justice.
Installment Plans
We can arrange an installment plan using your credit card or bank account to make automatic payments on a monthly or quarterly basis. You may contact us to set up an installment plan.
Join the Justice Circle
Make your monthly giving simple! Set up a monthly recurring gift that goes on until you tell us to discontinue it. You can set up your own justice circle plan online or contact us to arrange a plan.
Gifts of Stock
If you are interested in donating stock to CEJ, please read this informational sheet and call or e-mail Ayla if you have any questions.
Donor Advised Funds
If you have a Donor Advised Fund and are interested in recommending a grant to CEJ, click here.
Make a Donation to the Endowment Fund to Help Secure Stable Funding for Legal Aid
Make a Donation to the Herbold Endowment Fund to Help Secure Legal Services for Seniors