Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Annual Campaign Award Winners: Paul Matthias-Bennetch, Ring Bender LLP, and Perkins Coie!
Associate Award: Paul Matthias-Bennetch
Paul Matthias-Bennetch is the winner of this year’s Associate Award. Paul is a litigation attorney at Holland & Knight in Portland focusing on complex commercial litigation. He worked with his colleague and co-chair of the Midsize Firm Partners Committee, Sara Heskett, to ensure Holland & Knight had a great fundraising year with a 12% increase in their total firm giving and 100% attorney participation. Paul is a committed and engaged member of CEJ’s Associates Committee and went above and beyond in getting wine donated for our Awards Celebration. Congratulations Paul and thank you for your hard work!
Midsize Firm Award: Ring Bender LLP
Ring Bender is the winner of this year’s Midsize Firm Award. They had a fantastic fundraising year with a 51% increase in their total giving and per capita giving over last year. They had 100% attorney participation and even hosted a chili cook-off event that brought in more donations and support from non-lawyers in their building. Efforts were spearheaded by Managing Partner Tina Hein and Associate Sage Ertman. Tina has been involved with CEJ for 15 years. This is Sage’s first year on the committee and has been a great addition! Thank you, Ring Bender, for your excellent work this year!
Large Firm Award: Perkins Coie
Perkins Coie is the winner of this year’s Large Firm Award and improved in every category compared to last year. The firm had a 38% increase in per capita giving, increased their total giving by almost $13,000, and had an increase from 23 to 39 donors this year. Additionally, Perkins Coie is a Diamond Sponsor for our Awards Celebration! Danielle Benderly, CEJ Board Member Julia Markley, Adrianna Simonelli, and their whole team made an outstanding contribution to the firm’s success. Thank you, Perkins Coie, for your incredible support!
We appreciate all the firm fundraising efforts that helped us hit our 2023 Annual Campaign goal! Thank you!