Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Make a Donation in 2024 and Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Imagine facing a $22,000 tax bill you don’t owe— and having no way to get it corrected. That was Samuel’s reality.

Samuel was taking care of his mother, who had ALS. His income from caregiving was non-taxable, but the IRS mistakenly reclassified it, saddling him with a massive tax debt he couldn’t afford.

Samuel felt overwhelmed and powerless— until he found legal aid. Legal aid prepared an amended return, supplying proof of Samuel’s entitlement to non-taxable treatment. The IRS continued to argue that the income was taxable, so legal aid kept working. They contacted the Taxpayer Assistance Service on Samuel’s behalf. The Service directed the IRS to process the amended return, and the $22,000 tax bill was gone.

Samuel’s relief was immeasurable. And it was made possible because of people like you. When you give to legal aid, you’re ensuring that everyone, no matter their circumstances, has access to the justice they deserve.

Our goal is to raise $1.75 million this campaign season to support legal aid! We need to raise $14,000 before midnight to stay on track. All new and increased donations will be matched so you can really make an impact today! Will you donate today to help us hit our goal?

Please give to legal aid today at: Your donation will help more Oregonians, like Samuel and his mother.


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