OLF Announces Leadership Cup

Together, We Make Justice for All.

The Oregon Law Foundation utilizes IOLTA interest to fund legal help for Oregonians struggling to make ends meet. When your IOLTA is at an OLF Leadership Bank or Credit Union, you are making up to 100 times more to provide justice for all–without spending anything.

Announcing the Leadership Cup!

This fall, with the Campaign for Equal Justice, we are launching the Leadership Cup. The Cup will be awarded to the Oregon region with the largest percentage increase in IOLTAs at Leadership Banks & Credit Unions by the end of 2021.

3 Easy Steps.

  1. REVIEW your IOLTA for outstanding payments that have not yet cleared
  2. OPEN an IOLTA at a Leadership Bank or Credit Union
  3. TRANSFER the balance to your Leadership IOLTA, minus outstanding payments.

See the Leadership List to learn which banks and credit unions are partnering with us to help provide access to justice for all.

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