
Tracy is a Bend grandmother whose driver’s license had been suspended for many years due to unpaid traffic fines. By the time she got in touch with legal aid, the fines and interest owing to several different Oregon courts totaled more than $15,000. The Oregon Law Center (OLC) helped Tracy work out agreements for payment plans, community service, and, in some cases, partial waiver of her debt. One court — the city of Phoenix Municipal Court — had closed a few years prior, and the city was only accepting payment in full in order to clear license suspensions. OLC worked out an agreement with the city of Phoenix to forgive Tracy’s debt and to also create a process for hundreds of Oregonians in the same situation to resolve their outstanding judgments and license suspensions through the Jackson County Justice Court. With legal aid’s help, about 30% of Tracy’s debt was forgiven, she has worked off 20% through community service by making baby quilts for the Ronald McDonald House, and she is paying the balance through $80 monthly payments. Although her limited income makes it difficult for her to set aside this much each month, her adult children are helping and she expects to get her license reinstated very soon. Tracy is grateful for everything that legal aid has done for her.

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